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The Return of The Yolk

Its the return of the Yolk, welcome back to another episode. Hope you enjoy!
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Walls, Birds, and Footballs.

The Morning Yolk is up and running on this Saturday morning. This week its about walls, bird movies, and football. What does this mean? We'll listen and find out.

If you dont know, now you know!

Welcome to another episode of the Yolk, this Saturday find out about Trump's sneaky sneaking, a protest for the ages, and some quick hitters to round out your day.

EP. 17 "Do Something"

So, you want to be a photographer? Listen to this week’s episode to see how my experience has been and some tips that may help you out. Also, on the Yolk I go over the power of an image and the way a photograph can bring light to an issue across the world. Finally, its voting season which means ill make my final push to encourage you all to vote! Catch all this and more on this week’s episode of the Yolk. 

The Morning Yolk EP. 16 "Spooky"

Hey im back... yes I know it has been awhile, but lets forgive and forget im back. On this weeks episode I discuss topics that cover movie reviews, bomb threats, WorldSeries games, and I top it off with California Propositions. Its a good episode dont miss it. 

The Morning Yolk EP.15 "Book Worm"

Good Morning Yoalkers, Welcome to another episode of The Morning Yolk. On this weeks episode ill discuss why my opinion of Donald Trump has changed, Bret Kavanaugh's newsest problem, and my review of "The Woman in the Window" by A.J. Finn. Just ask Siri to play the Morning Yolk Podcast and im sure she will hook you up. Enjoy!

The Morning Yolk EP. 14 "Quick Hitter"

Hey Guys,  Welcome to episode 14 of The Morning Yolk, on this weeks episode I cover, Trumps Denial, Manaforts breaking point, Hurricane Florance, 9/11, and the rematch we have been waiting for. Of course it wouldnt be an episode if I didnt throw in some laughs and other interesting bits. Find out about all the topics listed above and more on this weeks episode of The Morning Yolk!!